What to Wear for Your Engagement Session?

What to Wear for Your Engagement Session?

What to Wear for Your Engagement Session: A Style Guide for Every Couple by Marta Mannuzza


Congratulations on successfully navigating the whirlwind of emotions that come with proposing. As you transition into a new stage of your relationship, let’s talk about your engagement session, and… what to wear. Your engagement session is an opportunity to capture the essence of your relationship, and choosing the right outfits plays a pretty important role in creating timeless and beautiful photographs. So, whether you’re a couple with a love for the great outdoors, urban enthusiasts, or someone with a penchant for themed adventures, I’ve got you.

First Things First – Who Are You?

Before diving into the wardrobe choices, it’s essential to consider the overall vibe of your engagement session. Are you and your partner outdoorsy, artsy, or perhaps more traditional? The ambiance of your chosen location should fit with your personality. If you’re opting for an outdoor setting, consider factors like potential crowding and accessibility. Remember, the goal is to create an environment where both you and your partner feel comfortable and authentic.

Examples of different engagement session styles

Traditional – Go for formal attire in a garden or arboretum. It will read classic and timeless.

Casual – This type of engagement session will shift the focus towards your everyday life by wearing your regular clothes in a place you love, think at home, your favorite cafe, maybe in your yard.

Themed – Themed engagement sessions are something that you will remember for a long time.  It’s super important to pick a theme that resonates with both of you, whether it’s a favorite era or a shared passion.

Adventure – This is my personal favorite. You get to hike and explore a new place together, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Think breathtaking views, vast open spaces, dramatic landscapes. So. Much. Fun.

Documentary – Let the photographer tag along as you go about your daily activities, creating a candid and authentic engagement story.

Urban – It’s all about the city lights and angles, choosing between formal or casual outfits for a memorable walk downtown.

The Outfit Dilemma

The eternal question: how much does your partner care about their appearance in photos? If the answer is a resounding yes, then it’s time to brainstorm fun outfit ideas that seamlessly integrate with your chosen location. For instance, if you’re planning a surprise proposal in a garden, a more formal attire might be fitting. On the other hand, if your partner is laid-back and casual, a surprise engagement in your favorite cafe could be the perfect setting for everyday wear.

Good rule of thumb is to always feel comfortable. You want to remember how special the moment was and not necessarily how tight your outfit was.

Pro tip: When in doubt lean towards earthy or neutral tones as they tend to photograph well in a variety of settings.

Pro tip 2: Coordinate, don’t match!

Make it Feel Like You

Consider what truly feels like ‘you’ as a couple. Whether it’s a cozy stay-at-home date turned proposal or finally exploring a dream location you’ve talked about for years, the key is to make the engagement session a reflection of your unique connection.

When preparing for your engagement session, think about your shared interests, comfort levels, and the overall vibe you want to convey. By carefully selecting the right outfits for the occasion, you’ll create lasting memories that beautifully encapsulate the magic of your love story. So, embrace your style, express your personalities, and let your engagement session be a celebration of your unique journey together. I hope you find this article helpful, and I really hope your engagement session will become a beautiful memory that you will look back on for decades.

My Website: www.bymannuzza.com
My Instagram: @bymannuzza

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